martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008
Can't stop
Can't stop thinking about you babe, can't stop
Can't stop screaming and shouting
your name, can't stop
Look out boy 'cause I'm going to the top
Of your list, can't stop
I've tried and tried to get next to you
My friends say I am blind I'll
never break through
But I don't give in so easily
This I know, you just wait and see
I know that you're afraid that I might
Come steal your heart away in the night
But I can't take away what's not mine
You'll see, you'll come to me in time, can't stop
I've never gone the distance before
To find if love was worth giving more
I was born to love you I've got nothing to hide
I know about your secret side
So shut me out, I'll never let go
'Cause I can work a spell on your soul
I play the fool but it won't last for long
Oh no, 'cause baby I'm too strong, can't stop
[chorus, repeat]
Don't be afraid to try
Just let me love you for a while
You'll see, what it's all about
Oh baby I can't clear you out
(Can't stop, can't stop, can't stop)
So shut me out, I'll never let go
'Cause I can work a spell on your soul
I play the fool but it won't last for long
Oh no, 'cause baby I'm too strong, can't stop
[chorus, repeat]
Just can't help myself
You know I've got to have you and
no one else (can't stop)
[repeat and fade]
Should have left you standing right where you stood
Should have let you go, should
have had the sense to know
Like a train you'd come, and I'd lose my place
Now I'm on this trip, I took a fall from grace
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
From the look of love, from the eyes of pride
Nowhere to go, no place to run
From the look of love, now I've come undone
I've had a map laid out from the day I was born
But the roads are blocked, and the paper is worn
And all the books I've read, and the things I know
Never taught me to laugh, never taught to let go
[ Letras de Canciones encontraron en ]
My conscience is clear I know right from wrong
That's a lie I know nothing except that you're gone
But there's more to learn from the look in your eyes
That trip round this world, the stars in the sky
Now all the books I've read, and the things I know
Never taught me to live, never taught me to let go
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
From the look of love, Lord knows I've tried
Nowhere to go, no place to run
From the look of love, now I've come undone
(Nowhere to hide)
(No place to run)
(Nowhere to hide)
(No place to run)
"SUPERNATURAL". Salió Al Mercado Como Cara B Del Single LIKE A PRAYER. MADONNA. (Video Montaje).
Made your acquaintance late one night
You were floating around, you know you gave me quite a fright
You didn’t seem like an ordinary man
More like a ray of light
You transcendentally imposed yourself upon my bed
You know you didn’t say very much
I’m out of body and I feel so good in my head
You know I’m really quite touched
I wake up with your fragrance and it’s all over me
What cologne do you wear?
I walk around with a smile on my face, ’cause you’re close to me
Well I know you’re somewhere
Gonna take my chance on a different kind of romance
A supernatural thing
Gonna have my fill, it gives me such a big thrill to be with
A supernatural thing
I stay uplifted for quite some time
(or: you say you’ve lived here for quite some time)
And I’d say that your skills as a lover are very refined
You know just what I want and I don’t have to ask
Are you reading my mind?
You’re not demanding for a man, that’s really quite rare
You’re not the least bit obsessed with your hair
You’re not upset when I come home later than ten
For a ghost you’re a very good friend
I’ve got to be a very careful, never know what the neighbors would say
They already think I’m crazy
I wouldn’t like to wake up and find myself in the family way
A ghost baby?
(chorus, repeat)
I can’t see you [so hot]
I know you’re out there you little rascal
Stop that
(chorus, repeat)
Gonna take my pants off for a different kind of romance
That super-duper naturally big thing
It’s outrageously large
[super-duper, supernatural, so hot, so hot, supernatural]
" P U S H". MADONNA. ( Video Montaje).
you push me!
to go the extra mile
you push me!
when it's dificult to smile
you push me!
a better version of myself
you push me!
only you and no one else
you push me!
see the other point of view
you push me!
when there's nothing else to do
you push me!
when I think I know it all
You push me!
when I stumble and I fall
keep on pushing
like nobody
every place I win
every mood I'm in
everything I do, I owe it all to you
Every move I make
every step I take
everything I love
it's all because you push me
you push me!
when I don't appreciate
you push me!
not to lie and not to hate
you push me!
when I want it all to end
you push me!
when I really need a friend
you push me!
all I wanna do is cry
you push me!
when It's hard for me to try
you push me!
learn to do it for myself
you push me!
only you and no one else
keep on pushing
like nobody
every place I win
every mood I'm in
everything I do, I owe it all to you
Every move I make
every step I take
everything I do
it's all because you push me
you push me
keep on pushing
like nobody
to go the extra mile
when it's dificult to smile
only you , and only you, and only you
see the other point of view
when there's nothing else to do
when I think I know it all
only you, and only you, and only you
every place I win
every mood I'm in
everything I do, I owe it all to you
Every move I make
every step I take
everything I love
it's all because you push me
you push me
Ich hab' keine lust,
ich hab' keine lust,
ich hab' keine lust,
ich hab' keine lust
Ich habe keine lust mich nicht zu hassen,
hab' keine lust mich anzufassen,
ich hätte lust zu onanieren,
hab' keine lust es zu probieren,
ich hätte lust mich auszuziehen,
hab' keine lust mich nackt zu sehen
Ich hätte lust mit großen tieren,
hab' keine lust es zu riskieren,
hab' keine lust vom schnee zu gehen,
hab' keine lust zu erfrieren
Ich hab' keine lust,
ich hab' keine lust,
ich hab' keine lust,
nein ich hab' keine lust
Ich habe keine lust etwas zu kauen,
denn ich hab' keine lust es zu verdauen,
hab keine lust mich zu wiegen,
hab keine lust im fett zu liegen
Ich hätte lust mit großen tieren,
hab' keine lust es zu riskieren,
hab' keine lust vom schnee zu gehen,
hab' keine lust zu erfrieren
Ich bleibe einfach liegen,
und wieder zähle ich die fliegen,
lustlos fasse ich mich an,
und merke dann,
ich bin schon lange kalt,
so kalt,
mir ist kalt,
so kalt,
mir ist kalt
Mir ist kalt,
so kalt,
mir ist kalt,
so kalt,
mir ist kalt,
so kalt,
mir ist kalt!
Ich hab' keine lust!
By parl
Heute treff ich einen Herrn
Der hat mich zum fressen gern
Weiche Teile und auch harte
Stehen auf der Speisekarte
Denn du bist was du isst
Und ihr wisst was es ist
Es ist mein Teil (nein) mein Teil (nein)
Da das ist mein Teil (nein)
Mein Teil (nein)
Die stumpfe Klinge gut und recht
Ich blute stark und mir ist schlecht
Muss ich auch mit der Ohnmacht kämpfen
Ich esse weiter unter Krämpfen
Ist doch so gut gewürzt und so schön flambiert
Und so liebevoll auf Porzellan serviert
Dazu ein guter Wein und zarter Kerzenschein
Ja, da lass ich mir Zeit etwas Kultur muss sein
Denn du bist was du isst
Und ihr wisst was es ist
Es ist mein Teil (nein) mein Teil (nein)
Da, das ist mein Teil (nein)
Yes it's mein Teil (nein)
Ein Schrei wird zum Himmel fahren
Schneidet sich durch Engelsscharen
Vom Wolkendach fällt Federfleisch
Auf meine Kindheit mit Gekreisch
Das ist mein Teil (nein) mein Teil (nein)
Da das ist mein Teil (nein)
Yes it's mein Teil (nein)
Getadelt wird wer Schmerzen kennt
Vom Feuer das die Haut verbrennt
Ich werf ein Licht in mein Gesicht
Mein heißer Schrei
Feuer frei!
Bäng bäng
Geadelt ist wer Schmerzen kennt
Vom Feuer das in Lust verbrennt
Ein Funkenstoß in ihren Schoß
Mein heißer Schrei
Feuer frei!
Bäng bäng
Feuer frei!
Gefährlich ist wer Schmerzen kennt
Vom Feuer das den Geist verbrennt
Bäng bäng
Gefährlich das gebrannte Kind
Mit Feuer das vom Leben trennt
Ein heißer Schrei
Bäng bäng
Feuer frei!
Dein Glück
Ist nicht mein Glück
Ist mein Unglück
Bäng bäng
Feuer frei!
Ich werde in die tannen gehen,
dahin wo ich sie zuletzt gesehen,
doch der abend werft ein tuch auf's land,
und auf die wege hinterm waldesrand,
und der wald ersteht so schwarz und leer,
weh mir oh weh,
und die vögel singen nicht mehr
Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein,
ohne dich,
mit dir bin ich auch allein,
ohne dich,
ohne dich zähl' ich die stunden,
ohne dich,
mit dir stehen die sekunden,
lohnen nicht
Auf den ästen in den gräben,
ist es nun still und ohne leben,
und das atmen fällt mich ach so schwer,
weh mir oh weh,
und die vögel singen nicht mehr
Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein,
ohne dich,
mit dir bin ich auch allein,
ohne dich,
ohne dich zähl' ich die stunden,
ohne dich,
mit dir stehen die sekunden,
lohnen nicht, ohne dich
Und das atmen fällt mich ach so schwer,
weh oh weh,
und die vögel singen nicht mehr
Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein,
ohne dich,
mit dir bin ich auch allein,
ohne dich,
ohne dich zähl' ich die stunden,
ohne dich,
mit dir stehen die sekunden,
lohnen nicht, ohne dich
Ohne dich!
ohne dich!
ohne dich!
Die Tränen greiser Kinderschar
ich zieh sie auf ein weißes Haar
werf in die Luft die nasse Kette
und wünsch mir, dass ich eine Mutter hätte
keine Sonne die mir scheint
Keine Brust hat Milch geweint
In meiner Kehle steckt ein Schlauch
Hab keinen Nabel auf dem Bauch
Ich durfte keine Nippel lecken
und keine Falte zum Verstecken
niemand gab mir einen Namen
gezeugt in Hast und ohne Samen
der Mutter die mich nie geboren
hab ich heute Nacht geschworen
ich werd ihr eine Krankheit schenken
und sie danach im Fluss versenken
In ihren Lungen wohnt ein Aal
auf meiner Stirn ein Muttermal
entferne es mit Messers Kuss
auch wenn ich daran sterben muss
In ihren Lungen wohnt ein Aal
auf meiner Stirn ein Muttermal
entferne es mit Messers Kuss
auch wenn ich verbluten muss
oh gib mir Kraft
Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you
Now would I say something that wasn't true?
I'm asking you
would I lie to you?
My friends know what's in store
I won't be here anymore.
I've packed my bags
I've cleaned the floor
Watch we walkin'
walkin' out the door.
Believe me
I'll make it
make it
Believe me
I'll make it
make it.
Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you
honey? . . .
Tell you straight
no intenrention
to your face
no deception.
You're the biggest fake
that much is true
Had all I can take
now I'm leaving you.
Believe me
I'll make it
make it
oh yes
I will
Believe me
I'll make it
make it.
Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you
honey? . . .
Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you
honey? . ..
My friends know what's in store
I won't be here anymore. . . .
Believe me
watch me
watch me -
Believe me
watch me
watch me.
Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you?
Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you?
Can i take this for granted
with your eyes over me?
in this place
this wintery home
i know there's always someone in
nineteen eighty four
And so i face the wall
turn my back against it all
how i wish i'd been unborn
wish i was unliving here
nineteen eighty four
I'll pull the bricks down
one by one
leave a big hole in the wall
just where you are looking in
Who's that girl?
The language of love
Slips from my lover's tongue
Cooler than ice cream
And warmer than the sun
Dumb hearts get broken
Just like china cups
The language of love
Has left me broken on the rocks
But there's just one thing
(Just one thing)
But there's just one thing
And I really wanna know
Who's that girl
Running around with you?
Tell me
Who's that girl
Running around with you?
The language of love
Has left me stony grey
Tongue tied and twisted
At the price I've had to pay
Your careless notions
Have silenced these emotions
Look at all the foolishness
Your lover's talk has done
Now there was a time when they used to say
That behind every great man there had to be a great woman.
But in these times of change you know that it's no longer true
So we're comin' out of the kitchen
'Cause there's something we foryot to say to you
we say:
Sisters are doin' it for themselves
Standin' on their own two feet an ringin' on their own bells.
Sisters are doin' it for themselves.
Now this is a song to celebrate
The conscious liberation of the female state.
daughters and their daughters
Woman to woman
we're singing with you.
The inferior sex has got a new exterior
We got doctors
take a look around -
Can you see
can you see
can you see there's a woman right next to you.
We say: Sisters are doin' it for themselves
. . .
Now we ain't makin' stories and we ain't layin' plans
'Cause a man still loves a woman and a woman still loves a man -
Just the same though -
Sisters are doin' it for themselves.
Now there was a time when they used to say . . .
Sisters are doin' it for themselves
. . .
Sisters are doin' it for themselves
Give me two strong arms
To protect myself
Give me so much love
That I forget myself
I need to swing from limb to limb
To relieve this mess I'm in
'Cause when depression starts to win
I need to be right by your side
No one seems to touch me
In the way you do
Nothing seems to hurt me
When I'm close to you
I'm so full of desire
When you set my head on fire
I need to be right by your side
Every single one of us needs
Love, love, love
Everybody needs to give and receive love
Every single day can drag us
Down, down, down
But there's nothing left to fear
When love gets into town
I'm so full of desire
When you set my head on fire
I need to be right by your side
Well I was born an original sinner.
I was borne from original sin.
And if I had a dollar bill
For all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money
Piled up to my chin...
My mother told me good
My mother told me strong.
She said "be true to yourself
And you can't go wrong."
"But there's just one thing
That you must understand."
"You can fool with your brother -
But don't mess with a missionary man."
Don't mess with a missionary man.
Don't mess with a missionary man.
Well the missionary man
He's got God on his side.
He's got the saints and apostles
Backin' up from behind.
Black eyed looks from those Bible books.
He's a man with a mission
Got a serious mind.
There was a woman in the jungle
And a monkey on a tree.
The missionary man he was followin' me.
He said "stop what you're doing."
"Get down upon your knees."
"I've got a message for you that you better believe."
(Chorus repeats...)
How many sorrows
Do you try to hide
In a world of illusion
That's covering your mind?
I'll show you something good
Oh I'll show you something good.
When you open your mind
You'll discover the sign
That there's something
You're longing to find...
The miracle of love
Will take away your pain
When the miracle of love
Comes your way again.
Cruel is the night
That covers up your fears.
Tender is the one
That wipes away your tears.
There must be a bitter breeze
To make you sting so viciously -
They say the greatest coward
Can hurt the most ferociously.
But I'll show you something good.
Oh I'll show you something good.
If you open your heart
You can make a new start
When your crumbling world falls apart.
(Chorus repeats...)
Love is a stranger
In an open car
To tempt you in
And drive you far away
And I want you
And I want you
And I want you so
It's an obsession
Love is a danger
Of a different kind
To take you away
And leave you far behind
And love love love
Is a dangerous drug
You have to receive it
And you still can't
Get enough of the stuff
It's savage and it's cruel
And it shines like destruction
Comes in like the flood
And it seems like religion
It's noble and it's brutal
It distorts and deranges
And it wrenches you up
And you're left like a zombie
And I want you
And I want you
And I want you so
It's an obsession
It's guilt edged
Glamorous and sleek by design
You know it's jealous by nature
False and unkind
It's hard and restrained
And it's totally cool
It touches and it teases
As you stumble in the debris
And I want you
And I want you
And I want you so
It's an obsession
It's alright - baby's coming back
And I don't really care where he's been.
It's alright - baby's coming back
And I won't turn him around this time.
I'll be your cliff (you can fall down from me).
I'll be your ledge (you can lean upon me).
I'll be your bridge, your flowering tree
You can still depend on me...
And I'll be (the ticking of your clock).
And I'll be (the numbers on your watch).
And I'll be (your hands to stop the time).
I'll even be your danger sign.
Chorus repeats.
And I'll be (your grace your dignity).
And I'll be (your night your destiny).
And I'll be (your comfort and your ease).
I will be your storm at seas...
And I'll be (your sharp intake of breath).
And I'll be (your work I'll take no rest).
And when the world falls to decline
I'll be yours and you'll be mine.
Chorus repeats...
(Make it easy on yourself tonight).
Monday finds you like a bomb
That's been left ticking there too long,
You're Bleeding.
Some days, there's nothing left to learn
From the point of no return,
You're leaving.
Hey, Hey, I saved the world today...
Everybody's happy now,
The bad thing's gone away.
And everybody's happy now
The good thing's here to stay
Please let it stay.
There's a million mouths to feed
I got everything I need,
I'm breezing.
There's a hurting thing inside
And I've got everything to hide.
You're breathing.
Hey, Hey, I saved the world today...
And everybody's happy now,
The bad thing's gone away.
And everybody's happy now
The good thing's here to stay
Please let it stay.
Doo dee dooo dooo doooooo
The good thing...
Hey, Hey, I saved the world today...
Everybody's happy now,
The bad thing's gone away.
And everybody's happy now
The good thing's here to stay
Please let it stay.
Hey, Hey, I saved the world today...
(Everybody's happy now)
Everybody's happy now,
The bad thing's gone away.
(So happy now)
And everybody's happy now
The good thing's here to stay
Please let it stay.
Miracle of miracles
Look what the night dragged in -
It's a pocket full of misery
And trouble on the wind
You spoiled the best years
Of your life
You took them all in vain
Now you think that
you're forgiven
But you can't be born again
And you say
You say why?
You say why?
Don't ask me why -
I don't love you anymore
I don't think I ever did
And if you ever had
Any kind of love for me
You kept it all so well hid...
Promises sweet promises
You kept them from your mind
Like all the lost
forgotten things
You never seemed to find
Like all the disappointments
You displayed upon your shelf
Now you've got no-one to turn to
You've got no-one but yourself
And you say
Yea though we venture through
The Valley of the stars
You and all your jewelry
And my bleeding heart
Who couldn't be together
And who could not be apart
We should've jumped out
Of that airplane after all
Flying skyways overhead
It wasn't hard to fall
And I had so many crashes
That I couldn't feel
At all...
And it feels like
I'm 17 Again
Feels like I'm 17
Times might break you
Godforsake you
Leave you burned and bruised
Innocence will teach you
What it feels like to be used
Thought that you'd done everything
You didn't have a clue
Repeat chorus
Looking from the outside in
Some things never change
Yeah yeah hey yeah hey yeah
Flying highwards seems like yesterday
All those fake celebrities
And all those viscious queens
All the stupid papers
And the stupid magazines
Sweet dreams are made of anything
That gets you in the sea
Repeat chorus
17 17 Again
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something
fade out
lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008
Somewhere over the rainbow...way up high
There's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow...skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
Someday i'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops...
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow... blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow--why then oh why can't i?
If happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow...
Why oh why can't i?

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange
People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange.
Last fire will rise
behind those eyes
black house will rock
blind boys don't lie
Immortal fear
that voice so clear
through broken walls
that scream i hear
cry little sister
come, come to your brother
unchain me sister
love is with your brother
the masquerade strangers look up
when will they learn
this loneliness?
Temptation heat
beats like a drum
deep in your veins
i will not lie to little sister
come, come to your brother
unchain me sister
love is with your brother
my shangrila
i can't forget
why you were mine
i need you now
cry little sister
come, come to your brother
unchain me sister
love is with your brother
cry little sister
come, come to your brother
unchain me sister
love is with your brother
cry, little sister

I need love, love
ooh, ease my mind
And I need to find time
someone to call mine;
My mama said
You can't hurry love
No, you'll just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
But it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love
No, you'll just have to wait
Just trust in a good time
No matter how long it takes
How many heartaches must I stand
Before I find the love to let me live again
Right now the only thing that keeps me hanging on
when I feel my strength, ooh, it's almost gone
I remember mama said
You can't hurry love
No you'll just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
It's a game of give and take
How long must I wait
How muck more must I take
Before loneliness
Will cause my heart, heart to break?
No, I cant bear to live my life alone
I grow impatient for a love to call my own
But when I feel that I, I can't go on
Well these precious words keep me hanging on
I remember mama said
You can't hurry love
No, you'll just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
Well, it's a game of give and take
You can't hurry love
No, you'll just have to wait
Just trust in a good time
No matter how long it takes, now break!
Now love, love don't come easy
But I keep on waiting
Anticipating for that soft voice
To talk to me at night
For some tender arms
hold me tight
I keep waiting
Ooh, till that day
But it ain't easy (Love don't come easy)
No, you know it ain't easy
My mama said
You can't hurry love
No, you'll just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
It's a game of give and take...
They came at night leaving fear behind
Shadows were on the ground
Nobody knew where to find him
No evidence was found
"I'm never coming back"
They heard him cry
And I believe him
Well he never meant to do anything wrong
It's gonna get worse if he waits too long
Billy, Billy don't you lose my number
Cos you're not anywhere
That I can find you
Oh now Billy, Billy don't you lose my number
Cos you're not anywhere that I can find you, oh no
Searching through the day and into the night
They wouldn't stop till they found him
They didn't know him and they didn't understand
They never asked him why
"Get out of my way"
They heard him shout
Then a blinding light
Ooh all I could see was him running down the street
Out of the shadows and into the night
Now Billy, Billy don't you lose my number
Cos you're not anywhere
That I can find you, oh
Now Billy, Billy don't you lose my number
Cos you're not anywhere that I can find you, oh
Don't give up
Keep running, keep hiding
Don't give up
Billy, if you know you're right
Don't give up
You know that I am on your side
Don't give up
Oh Billy, you better, you better, you better run for your life
Now Billy, Billy don't you lose my number
Cos you're not anywhere
That I can find you, oh
Now Billy, Billy don't you lose my number
Cos you're not anywhere that I can find you, oh
They came at night leaving fear behind
Shadows were on the ground
Nobody knew where to find him
No evidence was found
"I'm never coming back"
They heard him cry
And I believe him
He never meant to do anything wrong
It's gonna get worse if he waits too long
Now Billy, Billy don't you lose my number
Cos you're not anywhere
That I can find you, oh
Now Billy, Billy don't you lose my number
Cos you're not anywhere that I can find you, oh
How does it feel to treat me like you do?
When you've your hands upon me
And told me who you are
I thought I was mistaken
I thought I heard your words
Tell me, how do I feel
Tell me now, How do I feel
Those who came before me
Lived through their vocations
From the past until completion
They'll turn away no more
And I still find it so hard
To say what I need to say
But I'm quite sure that you'll tell me
Just how I should feel today
I see a ship in the harbor
I can and shall obey
But if it wasn't for your misfortune
I'd be a heavenly person today
And I thought I was mistaken
And I thought I heard you speak
Tell me how do I feel
Tell me now, how should I feel
Now I stand here waiting...
I thought I told you to leave me
While I walked down to the beach
Tell me how does it feel
When your heart grows cold
The boy with the thorn in his side
Behind the hatred there lies
A murderous desire for love
How can they look into my eyes
And still they don't believe me ?
How can they hear me say those words
Still they don't believe me ?
And if they don't believe me now
Will they ever believe me ?
And if they don't believe me now
Will they ever, they ever, believe me ?
Oh ...
The boy with the thorn in his side
Behind the hatred there lies
A plundering desire for love
How can they see the Love in our eyes
And still they don't believe us ?
And after all this time
They don't want to believe us
And if they don't believe us now
Will they ever believe us ?
And when you want to Live
How do you start ?
Where do you go ?
Who do you need to know ?
Oh ...
Oh no ...
Oh ...
La ...
Panic on the streets of London
Panic on the streets of Birmingham
I wonder to myself
Could life ever be sane again ?
The Leeds side-streets that you slip down
I wonder to myself
Hopes may rise on the Grasmere
But Honey Pie, you're not safe here
So you run down
To the safety of the town
But there's Panic on the streets of Carlisle
Dublin, Dundee, Humberside
I wonder to myself
Burn down the disco
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music that they constantly play
Hang the blessed DJ
Because the music they constantly play
On the Leeds side-streets that you slip down
Provincial towns you jog 'round
Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ
Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ, Hang the DJ
Punctured bicycle
On a hillside desolate
Will nature make a man of me yet ?
When in this charming car
This charming man
Why pamper life's complexity
When the leather runs smooth
On the passenger seat ?
I would go out tonight
But I haven't got a stitch to wear
This man said "it's gruesome
That someone so handsome should care"
Ah ! A jumped-up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said "return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things
I would go out tonight
But I haven't got a stitch to wear
This man said "it's gruesome
That someone so handsome should care"
La, la-la, la-la, la-la, this charming man ...
Oh, la-la, la-la, la-la, this charming man ...
Ah ! A jumped-up pantry boy
Who never knew his place
He said "return the ring"
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things
He knows so much about these things
viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008
Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
And they're young and alive
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one
Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people and I
Want to see life
Driving in your car
Oh, please don't drop me home
Because it's not my home, it's their
Home, and I'm welcome no more
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine
Take me out tonight
Take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
And in the darkened underpass
I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last
(But then a strange fear gripped me and I
Just couldn't ask)
Take me out tonight
Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven't got one, da ...
Oh, I haven't got one
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine
Oh, There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out
Lookin' in your eyes I see a paradise
This world that I've found is too good to be true
Standin' here beside ya, want so much to give you
This love in my heart that I'm feelin' for you
Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that
Put your hand in my hand, baby, don't ever look back
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now, whoa no
I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you
Whatever it takes, I will stay here with you
Take you to the good times, see you through the bad times
Whatever it takes is what I'm gonna do
Let 'em say we're crazy, what do they know?
Put your arms around me, baby, don't ever let go
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us, ooh
All that I need is you
All that I ever need
All that I want to do
Is hold you forever, forever and ever
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us
Build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us
There's a nail in the door
And there's glass on the lawn
Tacks on the floor
And the TV is on
And I always sleep with my guns when you're gone
There's a blade by the bed
And a phone in my hand
A dog on the floor
And some cash on the nightstand
When I'm all alone the dreaming stops
And I just can't stand
What should I do I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out
And maybe and then the wind just starts to moan
Outside the door he followed me home
So goodnight moon
I want the sun
If it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won?t be too soon 'til I say goodnight moon
There's a shark in the pool
And a witch in the tree
A crazy old neighbor and he's been watching me
And there's footsteps loud and strong coming down the hall
Something's under the bed
Now it's out in the hedge
There's a big black crow sitting on my window ledge
And I hear something scratching through the wall
What should I do I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out
And maybe and then the wind just starts to moan
Outside the door he followed me home
So goodnight moon
I want the sun
If it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won't be too soon 'til I say goodnight moon.
it doesn't have to be this way
just counting the hours
'cos when your bed it's made
then baby it's too late
there's no hope for a hungry child
whose joker is wild
they take all hope away
by the end of the day
well i just about have enough of the sunshine
hey! what did I hear you say?
You know, it doesn't have to be that way!
You! When you walk out the door
You gonna ask for more
It doesn't have to hurt that way
Just counting the pain
You've only got yourself to blame
For playing the game
There's no hope for a hungry child (no wonder!)
Whose joker is wild
And they take all hope
And I just can't see the sense
And my mind's a haze
well i just about have enough of the sunshine
hey! what did I hear you say?
You know, it doesn't have to be that way!
You! When you walk out the door
You gonna ask for more
do you want it?
do you want it?
don't you know that i got it baby?
don't you know i got it baby?
And I just about have enough of the sunshine
hey! what did I hear you say?
You know, it doesn't have to be that way!
You! When you walk out the door
You better ask for more
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